A year with Katie and Danny

November 22, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I thought that I would write up a little message on the blog to celebrate the fact that Katie Parry has survived an entire year of being my sponsored rider.

I'll preface this post with a quick note that details on how to apply for a 2016 sponsorship from myself (to include an embroidered numnah and 4 shoots - one for each season!) can be found at the bottom of this post.

Our first photoshoot was on a rather chilly winter's afternoon. Poor Daniel was given a good groom and a quick sponge bath (the first of many, he was soon to learn.. being clean is important for this photography lark..!) and Kate bravely put on a lovely tartan short sleeved dress. (with no tights, insanity!)

We were lucky enough to be blessed with December's attempt of a very hazy sunset - a beautiful start to a lovely year.

For our next adventure, we plaited Dan up and took him in the studio. I think he decided that he quite likes his new modelling job! lrg_DSC09546lrg_DSC09546 lrg_DSC09530lrg_DSC09530

Our next Parry adventure took us out to support Katie's younger sister Lucie, and her pony, Cruise at Berriewood's pony club ODE.

It rained. Lu still smiled lots anyway.

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It's not difficult to see why when you have a pony with this much character!

This brought us on to spring where wearing a dress was waaay less painful!

Next up Daniel and Kate had a date at Bold heath BE.
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Returning back to the yard in a beautiful sunset.

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Autumn came next, and along with it more beautiful sunsets!

lrg_DSC07362lrg_DSC07362 lrg_xlrg_x Bringing an end to the 2015 season.

Thank you Katie (and your lovely family) for being such an amazing sponsor, and more importantly a lovely friend :)

2016 sponsorship

I am looking for a new sponsored rider for 2016! To apply, please email me your favorite photo of you and your pony/s, along with you/your yard's postcode and a short introduction paragraph.

[email protected] :)


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